How to stop your cat from scratching at the door in morning

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Wondering how to stop your cat scratching at door in morning? Here are some ideas that may help!

Provide an alternative scratching surface

Cats have a natural instinct to scratch and stretch, which helps keep their claws healthy and strong. If your cat is scratching at the door in the morning, it’s likely they’re trying to find a place to scratch. To prevent this behavior, provide an alternative scratching surface such as a scratching post or pad. Place it near the door or in the room where your cat spends the most time, so they have a designated area to scratch.

Train your cat with positive reinforcement

Positive reinforcement can be an effective way to train your cat to stop scratching at the door. When you catch your cat scratching at the door, say “no” in a firm voice and redirect them to their scratching post or pad. When your cat uses the scratching post or pad, reward them with a treat or praise. Over time, your cat will learn that scratching the door is not acceptable behavior, and will instead use the designated scratching area.

Create a comfortable sleeping environment for your cat

Cats are crepuscular animals, meaning they are most active at dawn and dusk. If your cat is scratching at the door in the morning, it could be a sign that they are ready to start their day. To prevent this behavior, create a comfortable sleeping environment for your cat. Provide a warm, cozy bed in a quiet, secluded area of your home where your cat can sleep undisturbed. This will help your cat stay comfortable and relaxed, and prevent them from scratching at the door to wake you up.

Use deterrents to discourage scratching

If your cat continues to scratch at the door despite your efforts to redirect their behavior, you can use deterrents to discourage scratching. Double-sided tape, aluminum foil, or a motion-activated spray can all be effective in deterring cats from scratching. Place the deterrent on the door or surrounding area where your cat typically scratches, and they will likely avoid the area altogether.

Seek the help of a professional

If your cat’s scratching behavior is persistent and difficult to manage, it may be worth seeking the help of a professional animal behaviorist. A behaviorist can help identify the underlying cause of your cat’s scratching behavior and provide customized training techniques to address the issue.

Michelle Rei
Michelle Rei
Michelle is a pet parent turned amateur pet product researcher. After adopting a fur baby with digestive issues caused by bad pet food, she's poured hundreds of hours into research to find the best of the best to help him and other pets live happier and healthier lives.
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