The BEST outdoor cat runs for indoor cats!

It’s estimated that over 60% of cats are over weight. That’s no surprise really when you realize that most of them are fed really crappy food, and then they just spend all of their time indoors. Is your kitty looking a little bored or plump? Maybe you could liven up their day by giving them a little outdoor time! While it’s normally a bad idea to let your cat wander the neighborhood, now there’s plenty of products on the market that allow your cat to get outside into the fresh air without being in any danger.

So today we’ve compiled a list of some super cool cat walks, catios and fun play things that will let your furry friend experience the glory of the great outdoors without any of the dangers that come with it. You should keep in mind that some of these products may still require pet parent supervision, especially if your fur baby is extra sneaky!

The best kidney cat food options for your cat

If your cat has recently been diagnosed with kidney failure or reduced kidney function then you will likely have some challenging times ahead of you. This will be difficult for both you and your cat, but if you arm yourself with the right knowledge then you can easily find a way to manage their kidney issues using their diet.

While there are many different foods out there marketed for cats with kidney failure, the most important thing to do is to stick to a few key principals that can help manage their illness. In this article we’re going to go over the dietary requirements for cats with kidney failure, and then we’ll make a few recommendations for some foods that you can offer them. Let’s get started!

The best cat hair remover tools for keeping your home fur free!

Cats are wonderful creatures, but if you have a cat, particularly a long haired one, then you’ll soon find that they leave behind kitty tumble weeds that gently soar across your home. No matter how much you vacuum, you never seem to get all of them and you never manage to get all of the hair off of the couch!

Don’t worry pet parents, because today we’re going to highlight some awesome tools that can help you to make quick work of your cat hair problems. If you have dogs, then you’ll be happy to know that these tools will also work just great for them as well. Let’s get started!

natural pain relief for cats

Instead of reaching for prescription pain killers, it may be possible to manage your cats pain with more natural means. There are supplements out there which can help to ease chronic pain from ailments such as arthritis or even the pain that may come with a serious illness such as cancer. In this article we’re going to explore these natural treatments and even give you a couple of recommendations which could help your furry friend to feel less pain naturally.

The best dog fatty tumor diet options

If your dog is getting older then you may have noticed some strange lumps which may have begun popping up on his body. These are lipomas, otherwise known as fatty tumors. In many cases these tumors are benign, and they won’t cause your dog any grief. In some cases though they can become quite large, and if they are negatively impacting your dog’s quality of life, then you may need to consider taking him in for surgery to remove them.

However, there is some research that suggests diet could be attributed to these growths. While it’s still too early for these findings to be conclusive, some believe that these tumors can be reduced or even removed completely with diet changes. In this article we’re going to explore those findings for some all natural solutions to fatty tumors which you can try for your dog.